Our Story:
Jeremy volunteered in a nursing home during high school, which solidified his decision to go into the nursing field. He felt providing one-on-one care was truly rewarding. While attending college, he worked as a CNA on a medical/surgical floor and also did private home care. After graduating with his BSN, he held positions of increasing responsibility at Hartford Hospital. Upon moving to the Boston area, he became a Nursing Supervisor for a large hospital private care firm. He then went on to become a Case Manager at MGH.
This is where he saw the need for a nursing-focused care agency. He and his wife, Deirdra met in nursing school on the first day of orientation. They realized they had similar goals they wanted to fulfill in life, and they continue to work side by side to make that happen. They are proud of their team and the company they have established. They couldn’t be more grateful to be a part of the most trusted profession.
Deirdra started to fulfill her childhood dream of becoming a Registered Nurse when she started working as a CNA on a maternity floor at Newton Wellesley Hospital during college. Upon graduation with her BSN, she initially worked on a complex medical unit at Spaulding Hospital.
She also worked as a Visiting Nurse at Visiting Nurse & Community Health. Since then, she has worked as a Surgical Floor Charge Nurse at Brigham & Women’s Hospital for over ten years, where she continues to work part-time. She helped care for her grandmother who had Alzheimer’s Disease. The ability for her grandmother to stay at home, where she wanted to be, was priceless to her and her family. Deirdra had a client once say to her that she must go to bed every night having a sense of fulfillment because of what she and Jeremy do. She certainly does.
Deirdra believes that nursing can be one of the hardest jobs you’ll ever love. She and Jeremy wanted professions that felt very meaningful and provided something positive to others. Their continued dedication is validation that they have made the right career choices.